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Who The Heck Is Andy Witham?

Andy Witham
The brief history of Jigsaw’s founder.

Okay, so who am I and why do people pay for my company? Well, as you already know, my name is Andy Witham, and the first job I ever got out of college was working for Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender during Pulp Fiction. Their guy walked out after their first two weeks of production, I stepped in, worked out great. They liked me a lot. They put me in touch with Julie Kirkham, who was their creative director. She liked me. She got the first screenplay I ever wrote to an agent. That agent sold it. And for the next eight years I got to write screenplays in Hollywood, which was pretty fun.

During that time, my wife was the executive director for marketing at Sony Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment. Try fitting that on a business card. Gave me a call, said, “My guy’s gone, can you fill in and write a script for me?” I did. It was on the air three weeks later and I was like, “Okay, I like this. This is a lot better than having scripts on the shelf at Warner Brothers.

So I got into advertising deeply during the next couple of years in Los Angeles. And then when we wanted to have a kid, we decided we wanted to move back to Indianapolis. So, I became the creative director at a television station here in Indianapolis. We went from last place to first place. I’ve got three Emmys up on the wall because of my work there. Finally started getting enough phone calls that I went out and hung a shingle on my own. Got deeply into advertising technology. I love the targeting of it as opposed to television where you’re hitting this huge, broad area. I really like hitting specific targets, and that technology gets better every year. So I spent a lot of my time doing research and training on that.

And then, that’s it. That’s the beginning of Jigsaw Marketing. We’ve been in business for about five years now. My wife’s name is Gloria. She’s awesome. My son’s name is Will. He’s also awesome. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].