Indiana Farm Bureau Client Story

Client Story: Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance has been the number one writer of farm insurance in Indiana for over 80 years, serving all 92 counties with 440 exceptional agents.


The Problem

IFBI planned to give away a custom-designed Nissan Titan truck at halftime of the final Colts game of the season.  Entrants would sign up for a chance to win the sweepstakes.  IFBI needed a way to effectively promote the giveaway and beat their rival for number of signups.


The Solution

IFBI came to Jigsaw looking for solutions.  We developed a 18-part video series built for 1:1 social media viewing and sharing, featuring a strong call-to-action at the conclusion of each video.  In addition, we recommended leveraging the partnership with the Colts to promote the giveaway on their social media during the halftime of each game.  Utilizing drone, on-field, staged and onsite video, Jigsaw provided a launch video to get all 440 agents excited about the giveaway, 15 (:30) game videos, the giveaway presentation video, and the wrap-up video sent to all staff to show what had been accomplished during the season.


The Result

IFBI's traffic and engagement were beyond their best expectations, they increased morale and involvement at the company, and surpassed their rival's signups by 150%.   


Call Andy

(317) 793-8303


151 N. Delaware St.
19th Floor #1950
Indianapolis, IN 46204