Jigsaw Vlog

Social Media Testimonial Videos

Okay, so let's talk about your social media testimonial videos, all right? I'm talking specifically about business social media, not your personal stuff, but stuff for business. Now, there are three main types of content that get posted on business social media. Number one is thought leadership. All right? You bring on an executive from your company, you do an interview, they write a blog talking about their experiences in the industry, why they're an expert, maybe changes that are coming up in the industry and how you should adapt for the future. That's good content.

Number two is announcements, right? We have a new product coming out. We have a new service coming out. We've got an event coming up next month and we want to make sure that you attend. Also good content.

Number three is filler, because you've got a social media calendar but you don't have enough content to put on it and you're not exactly sure what to do, so you wind up manufacturing cheap, quick content that doesn't really have a purpose to it, which is how you wind up wishing people Happy National Penguin Day, right? You've done it before or something like it. We all have.

And the problem is that the social media animal needs to be fed. There needs to be content. You know this. The trick is coming up with content that works. And there's a fourth type that a lot of people don't consider, which is customer testimonial videos. And it fills the same purpose. It's thought leadership, but instead of you advocating yourself and why you're an expert, you've got your clients doing it. So even if you only do a few, even if you only have one a month of client testimonial videos coming out, that becomes social media content that is worth putting out there. And that becomes social media worth doing. So if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].


Geofencing Expectations



What Problems Do You Solve?

What Problems do you solve?   Okay, so let's talk about testimonial video production from the perspective of the sales team, because after all, this is who it's for, right? The whole point of a testimonial video is to move prospects further down the funnel so that they can have an actual conversation with your sales team. And trust is the number one thing in any relationship. It's the most important thing that you can have with any client. The problem is that most purchase decisions are made before a person actually has trust. They've just gotten to the point where they're willing to take a leap of faith that this is going to work out the way that they hope it will.

So how do you get them to the point where they're willing to make that leap? Well, most sales people will tell you that next door to trust lives rapport and it's an easy jump from one to the other, and the best way to establish rapport in a testimonial video is by presenting a shared problem. Because if you come up front, and start at the beginning with this, with a problem that your prospect recognizes, you're going to capture their interest immediately because you're going to say, "Well, I have that problem too. You sold that for somebody else. Okay, what does that look like and how did you do it?"

And don't make assumptions about what their problems are. Go to your salespeople and ask them. Okay? Because your sales people know. They deal with these problems every single single day. They solve these problems every single day. So don't make assumptions about what those are. Ask your sales people to get involved about saying these are the problems that we solve for our clients. And when you do your testimonial video, lead with the problem. Don't do anything else. Don't talk about yourself. Don't talk about solutions. Talk about the problem. Capture their interest right up front. Then you can develop a sense of rapport. So if you've got questions about testimonial videos, email me at [email protected].




What is Geofencing?

Okay, so what is geofencing? I've been getting this question a lot recently, so I thought I'd answer it here. And there's basically five different steps to answer, "What is geofencing and how does it work?" And the first is the user enters a location. Right? And usually we use it for conferences and conventions and trade shows, where people know that a lot of their prospects are going to be there at the same time. But you can also use it for concerts and sporting events. You can even target, let's just say, a million home addresses where you want your ad to be seen. Any geographic location is what you're looking at. That's what the fence is. We put the fence around that and we say we want to show the ad to people that have been in this space during this time.

Which gets you to step two, which is GPS technology identifies the IP addresses of those devices. And it's usually cell phones. There's sometimes tablets and with conferences and events you usually get some laptops as well, but usually it's more than 90% mobile technology.

Step three is the user opens the app. And the reason that I say this is because it is not a push notification. We don't jam an ad in front of everybody who walks into the space. That's bad advertising. It's too aggressive. It does not go over well.

But they open the app, which gets you to step four, which is there are 600,000 different apps that make advertising available on those apps. So we bid on those open inventory spaces within those apps because the user who was in that space during that time, this is the IP address we want to target and this is the ad that we want to target them with.

Which gets you to step five, which is whether they're at the event or after they leave it, the ad continues to stay with them because their device has been targeted. So whether it's during the event or for 30, 60, 90 days after the event, they'll continue to see your ad. And yes, we can change what that ad is during the course of the campaign. So if you wanted to change your message so it progresses as it goes, you can.

So anyway, that's what geofencing is and that's how it works. So if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].



To Script or Not to Script?

Testimonial Video Production Scripting:

Okay, so let's talk about one of the big debates in testimonial video production, which is to script or not to script. All right, now I'll go through the advantages and disadvantages of each. With non-scripting, what you're looking for is that moment of kismet, that moment of truth, where they come to the realization during the interview process about what they want to say and you get that look on their face and the tone in their voice that sounds really great.

The problem is that one, getting to that point may not happen. And two, there's a brief window where it can happen because usually for the first 20 minutes of the interview, they're anxious. You've brought people into their office, you brought lighting, you brought sound equipment, you brought a camera, they're appearing on camera. You always get the comment of I'm too fat. Those are the things that happen during the first 20 minutes of the interview. They're uncomfortable. And about 30 to 45 minutes into the interview, they start getting tired. You have this brief window where you can get that moment of kismet and if you don't hit it during that time, it starts to go downhill pretty quickly after that. Those are the advantages and disadvantages of not scripting.

With scripting, the disadvantage is that they can feel like they're reading and that doesn't feel good to anybody. You want it to feel organic. You want to feel like this is happening in the moment. What we do to get around that is that we do a pre-interview. And we'll talk with them about what their experience was, what their problems were, what the result was, what the solutions were, and get that all down. And then you've got something that's five minutes long. Nobody wants to watch a five minute video, you want something shorter so you trim that interview down to the three or four salient points that you want to make. And then you give it to the interviewee and you say, "Does this feel good to you?"

And it's in their words so it automatically feels good to them. When you start rolling at the beginning, it does feel like they're reading, but by the time they get to the third or fourth take, what happens is they throw out the script and they just start talking about that one point in their own words. And all the salient details are still there, but it still feels like them. And our experience has been, that's been a great way to get an interview that doesn't go on for two and three hours where everything starts to hurt during the interview process for everybody. And you can get it done quickly and efficiently and still have it feel like it's them speaking on the cuff.

Thanks to Anne-Marie Farrow for a great conversation yesterday, and if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].

https://getjigsaw.com/testimonial-video-production/ https://youtu.be/LmatwnIkzvE Testimonial Video Production Scripting



Okay, so as it turns out, stories matter. Jean-Luc Godard said, "The truth is too complex. Stories give it form." And it's true. Stories are the thing that resonate, right.

I can tell you being greedy is bad. Okay, fine, whatever. But I tell you the story of King Midas, and you're like, "Oh yeah. Yeah, greed is bad." I tell you lying is bad, and you're like, "Okay, whatever." But I tell you the story of the little boy that cried wolf, and now you got something to sink your teeth into.

I can tell you, "Do it right the first time." Okay, whatev. But I tell you the story of the three little pigs, and that's the house of straw, the house of twigs, and the house of bricks. And you're like, "Well, I want to do things right the first time. I want to be the third pig."

Stories ring true. And in a business environment, it's very difficult to even have the conversation about telling a story. Is that something that we need to do? We're going to present the facts. Right? We're going to talk about who we are, and what we do, and how many other people use this and that's why you should use this. And that's the thing that they're going to remember. No, it's not.

They're going to remember your story. Ask your sales team. Your sales team knows it. Your sales team has stories in their pocket, ready to go. And you need to be that for your business, because the facts won't do it. The truth is too complex.

So as you get into 2020, as you come out of Q4, and you're coming into the new year, think about it, what is your story? What are you telling everybody about yourself? That's where people like me come in handy. That's where people like my team come in handy. We're used to telling stories about businesses.

We'll leave the facts to you, but let us tell your story. What's your story? So, if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].

Avoid This Problem in Your Testimonial Video Production

Okay. So, it's Q4, which means that I'm getting a lot of calls about testimonial video production. I got to tell you, you already know my complaint about the talking head in front of the potted plant, but the other problem that I see, especially in midsize corporations, is testimonial videos that are three, and three and a half, and four minutes long. Please, don't do that. Right?

I understand why, because you've spent a lot of time, effort, and energy getting that testimonial video on camera. The logistics alone of setting up the interview were plenty, plus the film crew. So, you get it back to the office, and you say, "Oh. Well, we need this in, and we need this in, and we need this in, and we need this in. Oh, we got to have this," and all of a sudden, you wind up with 10 pounds of $#& in a 5-pound bag. It doesn't work, right?

The worst thing you can do is have your video go on too long because if you make them stop you, you've lost them. So when you do testimonial video, and if you use us, please and thank you, but if you don't use us, please, I'm begging you, keep it short. All right? Try and go for under a minute because you don't have to fit everything into one video. You can do a couple. It's okay. Split it up, but the last thing you want to do is drag it on too long. So, thanks very much to Erin Igney. If you’ve got questions, email me at [email protected]. Testimonial Video Production

Putting Value in Yourself

Okay. So, I had a conversation this morning that I did not like and I wish I could tell you this was the first time I've had this conversation and I wish I could tell you it was going to be the last but it's not. So I need to address it here. Artists and freelancers, I need you to start putting value in your time. We work with a lot of artists and freelancers here. We offer a lot of different services from video production to testimonial video production, to animation, to drone photography, to geo-fencing, to competitor targeting, to the list goes on. And some of what we do in house and some of it we use freelancers for. They get it done right.

And the thing that I keep seeing over and over again is people refusing to put value in their time and weirdly enough it's mainly the artists. The SEO people know how to put value in their time but the artists don't. And part of it's the money, $10,000 is a lot of money to a person but I need you to understand that $10,000 is not a lot of money to a midsize corporation. They're not going to throw it out the window but as long as you offer them consummate value for that money they're happy to pay you.

And the other part is not the money, the wishy washy attitude, the reason why there are starving artists is because they refuse to put value in their time because they refuse to put value in their selves. And let me be the one to tell you, let me be the one to finally wake you up and tell you that what you do has value. You spend a lot of time, effort, and energy building those talents and by the way you're good at it. And if you refuse to put value in what you do no one else ever will. So, get over yourself be a professional. So, thanks to Peggy Johnson for being double super awesome. And if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].


3 Problems with Testimonial Videos

Okay, so there are three big problems with testimonial video production. Number one, logistics. All right, let's take you for an example okay? You've got a client who calls you up, you have a good relationship, you've been working together for awhile and they say, "Hey, we'd love to do a testimonial video with you. So we're going to bring over a producer and a director and a film crew obviously, and a lighting crew. A couple of different cameras and a bunch of lighting equipment. Set that up in your office. Set up some audio equipment too. That'll probably take a couple of hours and then we'll interview you for a couple of hours and then we'll take some B-roll of some shots around your campus. All told we'll probably be there maybe five, six hours. When does that work for you?" Ain't nobody got time for that. I know I don't. Do you? Do you have time to stop down for five or six hours in the middle of a workday to do a friend a favor?

Problem two, performance. I got the opportunity to work for Quentin Tarantino for two years during the Pulp Fiction era, and I'm always taken back to the rooftop scene in Reservoir Dogs where he says, "In this job, you've got got to be a great actor. You got to be naturalistic. You got to be naturalistic as hell because if you ain't a great actor, you're a bad actor. And a bad actor is some bull$#!% in this job." Is your client a great actor? And they're not going to be. It's not their job, they're not a performer. But that's the level of performance that we expect out of somebody professional. So inevitably you wind up with a talking head in front of a potted plant.

Problem three, and this is the worst one of all. Problem three is you. What? What did he just say? That's true, because you are letting the first two problems get in the way of allowing your sales team to have the best possible tool there is to develop trust with prospects. Which is your clients talking about how great you are. Which is why at Jigsaw Marketing we have developed a system to get rid of the obstacles. We get rid of the logistical problems. We get rid of the performance problems, so that you can not only have one testimonial video, but you can have several and you can get them done efficiently and easily.

So if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].

Geofence HQ

Okay, so it's really exciting when you run into somebody who's smarter than you. And unfortunately, in my case, that happens a lot. But I want to talk about a client who is smarter than me, and smarter than a lot of people in the geofencing game. Because, in geofencing, what we tend to do is we target events. We target conferences and conventions because you know there are a lot of prospects there. Those are people that are going to be interested in your product or services. Those are the people that you want to reach out to.

Sometimes we'll do sporting events, sometimes we'll do competitor's store fronts, sometimes we'll do individual storefronts of the client because they want to use it for branding purposes. And sometimes you'll do 500,000 individual home addresses because those are the people that we want to reach out to. And it's more effective than a mailing campaign.

But I've got a client who uses it. So when they pitch, they go out, and these are six, seven, eight figure pitches. And there's usually about a three month consideration period. And so what they do is they geofence headquarters. Which I thought was brilliant. Because you know who you're talking to, you're targeting that building, and you're getting yourself in front of those people while they're making a decision over whether to use you or to you use the other guy. And that's targeted branding and that is top of mind and that's exactly what helps tip the scales when it comes to a big pitch like that.

So anyway, I thought that was absolutely brilliant so I wanted to share that with you. So thanks very much, Chip Keller, for sharing the other day. And if you've got questions, email me at [email protected].