Jigsaw Marketing
Video Marketing | Ad Tech | Digital Adverstising
Jigsaw Marketing is where growth-minded companies
get access to world-class digital advertising technology
combined with Emmy®-winning video production.
We deliver targeted advertising
+ a premium brand experience.
Build Your Brand
Your business branding matters. When a prospect is first introduced to you, what do you look like? How are you defined? What digital advertising tactics do you use and how much video content do you have for them to find out about you? Jigsaw offers brand consultation in addition to very specific branding tactics that make sure your first impression blows away the competition.
AdTech: Advertising Technology
In the 21st Century, technology is the difference between winners + losers. Incorporate AdTech into your marketing strategy + target your exact audience every time.
Digital Advertising Technology makes it possible to target an audience like never before. From the simplest techniques like retargeting to the bullseye accuracy of GeoFencing, advertising technology allows you to select the exact audience you want to advertise to, whether it’s their IP addresses, their email addresses, their physical location within a convention center or their interest in your competitors. Jigsaw Marketing specialized in advanced AdTech tactics to give you the edge you need.
Video Production
Where content is King, video is Emperor. Our Emmy-winning team has the experience you need to produce world-class video + advise you on the tactics to use it best.
Video production is a critical component of any serious marketing program. You simply cannot have a robust digital presence without video. Outsourcing your video production to Jigsaw Marketing gives you the flexibility to write, product, direct, shoot, edit, animate + compose music, all for less than hiring your own overworked one-man band. Our Emmy™-winning team is flexible + efficient, which allows us to create multiple simultaneous video productions and keep you under deadline.
3D Animation Production
It's 2020 - there's no place in this world for another cheap whiteboard animated video. The difference between a questionable startup and a rock-solid medium-sized business is how good you look—Jigsaw offers jaw-dropping 3D animated video production that makes you stand out.
Gone are the days when you could get away with some slap-dash After Effects animation or some Flash nightmare. 3D animation production has become the defining marker of quality in the B2B world. Your product or service needs pro-grade animation to draw the interest of your prospects and take your place as the only solution that can do the job right. Our Emmy™-winning animators are ready to make you look fantastic.
Testimonial Video Production
Testimonial Videos are hard – we make it easy. Our proprietary system allows you to produce a new testimonial video every month without lifting a finger.
Like you, we spent years producing video testimonials the old-fashioned way: going to HQ with a film crew and capturing a talking head in front of a potted plant. It was expensive, inefficient, ineffective, and nobody needs just one testimonial video. So, we developed a system that allows your testimonial video production to operate smoothly and reliably without wasting your time and money managing the process. Once you’re onboarded, just point us to your next happy client and we do the rest.
AdTech: GeoFencing
GeoFencing opens up a whole new era in AdTech. The ability to target any room in the country, whether it’s a convention center, a conference hall or global headquarters, GeoFencing is a tactic that offers magnificent precision.
In the old days, GeoFencing used to mean a city or a neighborhood, but the new AdTech give Jigsaw the ability to target down to 10 meters. This means we can target two separate rooms in the same convention center with entirely separate campaigns, as we have at Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas and the Indy Convention Center. This kind of precision targeting is invaluable to industries that have multiple conventions a year, and a fantastic resource for driving high-quality traffic.
AdTech: CRM Advertising
You already use email campaigns to reach out to your CRM, right? Why not augment those campaigns with advertising targeted to the IP addresses attached to those email addresses?
If you're lucky, your email campaign open rate might be 20%. That's good, but what if CRM advertising could help you reach the other 80%. Well, we can. Our CRM advertising technology targets the IP addresses associated with your CRM prospects and delivers HTML5 ads to them wherever they go on the web. It's an additional layer and another touch, so you're not relying on your email campaigns alone to get your messaging across to the right people. CRM targeting can utilize as few as 10k email addresses to build a campaign.
Who Uses Jigsaw?

The Jigsaw Team
Call Andy
101 N. Ohio St. 20th Floor #2000
Indianapolis, IN 46204